27 October 2010

happy place

As I mentioned here, we have a bit of remodeling to do before we will actually move in to our new house... and by a "bit", I mean the entire kitchen needs to be gutted and rebuilt - no big deal, right? It is a room we'll spend a lot of time in, so we plan on creating a space we love...a happy place.

Ever since Cassandra over at coco + kelley posted this kitchen, I have been dreaming up ways to morph our small space into a version of it. It may not turn out to be it's identical twin, but our new kitchen will have the same soul.




  1. Pretty much the kitchen, I feel is the most important part of a home. :) Love these inspirations! xo

  2. aw this is such an adorable kitchen! how exciting to be remodeling your new place! very cute blog ;)

  3. I agree this place looks like the perfect setting for small parties and family dinners love it Meg
